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Cleanroom Testing and Certification Course 2025

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Chalmers, CTCB-I and R3-Nordic invites to

Cleanroom Testing and Certification Course 2025 

Date: 7-9 October 2025

Location: Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Sven Hultins gata 6, Gothenburg 


When a cleanroom has just been built, and during its lifetime, it is necessary to test it to ensure that
it is working correctly. The amount and quality of air supplied, the air movement between and within
zones, the particle and microbiological counts in the cleanroom, and other attributes, should be
shown to be correct.

The testing of a cleanroom requires skill, and the certification course described below is provided to
help acquire and certify this. The teaching and the certification are carried out by the Cleanroom
Testing and Certification Board – International (CTCB-I), which is composed of international experts
in cleanroom testing who oversee the content of the course, the teaching, and the examinations.
This course is held in Sweden, the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Turkey and Belgium. See

Levels of certification

Candidates can apply for either of two levels of certification. These are:

Professional Level: For people whose profession is cleanroom testing, and who routinely carries out
all aspects of cleanroom testing. At the time of their exam they should have a minimum of 2 years’
experience. If you apply for, and have suitable qualifications, you will be required to:

• study the course material that will be sent to you, attend a lecture course, and then pass a
written examination on cleanroom testing

• pass a practical exam by showing a high level of competence in (a) filter integrity testing and
(b) measuring air velocities and volumes and write adequate reports
• Complete a particle counting exercise

Note that certificates on Professional Level are valid for 5 (five) years. Recertification is required in
order to maintain certification on Professional Level beyond five years.

Associate Level: For people who are either familiar with some aspects of cleanroom testing, and
wish to gain knowledge about the subject (purchasers and evaluators of clean room testing), or have
been working less than two years as a cleanroom tester, but wish to use the certification course as a
basis of training and working towards professional status. If you apply for the associate course, and
have suitable qualifications, you will be required to:

• study the course material that will be sent to you, attend a lecture course, and then pass a
written examination on cleanroom testing

• attend a demonstration exercise on practical aspects of cleanroom testing

Note that certificates on Associate Level are valid for 10 (ten) years. Recertification is required in
order to maintain certification on Associate Level beyond ten years.

Course material

The course material is based on a book, a Questions/Answers handbook and an example of a written
exam. The material is intended for self-study prior to attending the lectures. The content of the
course material, which are written in English, forms the basis for the lectures. The course material
will be delivered after payment of a registration fee, at latest one month before the start of the


As proof of the certification, a diploma will be issued to each participant who completes the course
and passes the examination. The certification on the professional level is valid for 5 years, at which
time re-certification is required in order to maintain certification on Professional Level. The
certification on the Associate level is valid for 10 years, at which time re-certification is required in
order to maintain certification on Associate Level.


First Day - Lectures based on the course material

Attendants: Associate and Professional candidates

o Introduction to cleanroom testing
o The function of cleanrooms and air conditioning
o High efficiency air filters
o Standards for cleanroom classification
o Air supply and extract volume flows
o Differential pressures
o Containment, visualization and recovery tests
o Air filter integrity tests
o Particle measurements according to ISO 14644-1
o Microbiological measurements
o Cleanroom behavior and conduct

Second Day - Written Exam and Demonstration/Practical Training

Attendants: Associate and Professional candidates

Written Exam

This will examine the candidate’s knowledge of the course material. The questions will be short and
of the type that can be answered by no more than 10 words; no essays are required. The questions
will be similar, or identical, to those given in the question and answers handbook. The pass mark is

Demonstration/Practical Training

Filter integrity/leakage testing: Information will be given on an aerosol smoke generator and
photometer, and how these are used to test filter integrity. The technique will be
demonstrated and each student will have an opportunity to use the method.

Air velocity and volume flow measurement: Information will be given on how to carry out
testing using various methods and instruments, for example anemometers, flow-hoods,
Pitot-static tubes, etc. The techniques will be demonstrated and there will be an opportunity
for each student to use the methods.

Other test methods: Airborne particle counters, microbiological sampling and air flow
visualization will be demonstrated and discussed.

Third Day Practical Exam

Attendants: Professional candidates only

Each candidate will be required to show his/her ability to carry out the following two important
practical tests (each test maximum 30 minutes):

• Determination of the average air velocity and uniformity, as well as the volume of air passing
through a HEPA fan/filter unit by use of an anemometer and a flow-hood.

• HEPA-filter leak testing by the use of an aerosol smoke generator and a photometer.
The candidate will also be required to competently write reports on the two tests (each report
maximum 30 minutes).

The exams will be marked separately for the two tests, i.e. air velocity/uniformity on one hand and
filter leak testing on the other. Thus, it is possible to pass none, one or both exams. It is necessary to
pass both exams to be certified on professional level.

The candidate will also be required to complete a written test on airborne particle counting and
cleanroom classification according to ISO 14644-1.

The candidate’s exam results are assessed by an Examination board. It is anticipated that about 70%
of the candidates will pass their exams in the first attempt. The CTCB has an examination appeals

Anyone failing a practical exam can "re-sit” it at the next examination within a year. This can be done
in Sweden, or at another CTCB-I Cleanroom Testing Certification course in the UK, Ireland, and the

Course fees 2025

CTCB Associate Level - 2 days in Gothenburg

Included: Course material, lectures, written exam, practical demonstration and lunch both days.
Registration fee: SEK 4 500
Course and exam fee: SEK 13 800

CTCB Professional Level - 3 days in Gothenburg

Included: Course material, lectures, practical demonstration, written and practical exams, and lunch
day 1 and 2.
Registration fee: SEK 4 500
Course and exam fee: SEK 18 200

Exam Re-sit and Upgrading from Associate to Professional Level – 1-2 days in Gothenburg

Candidates who do not pass the theoretical or practical exam (filter leak testing and/or air velocity)
can "re-sit” the exam within one year. Candidates who wish to upgrade their certificate from
associate to professional level can complement with the practical exam within one year.
Registration fee: SEK 3 400
Exam fee: SEK 4 000 per exam (theoretical exam/practical exam – filter leak
testing/practical exam – air velocity)

Recertification CTCB Professional Level - 3 days in Gothenburg

Included: Course material, lectures, practical demonstration, written and practical exams.
Registration fee: SEK 4 500
Course and exam fee: SEK 14 300

Note 1: Candidates who are not already members of R3 Nordic or another ICCCS affiliated
society will also be charged the cost of one year’s individual membership - currently
SEK 750 in R3 -Nordic.

Note 2: VAT will be added to all prices given above.

Note 3: Any costs required for accommodation are the responsibility of the candidate.

Further information and application

Further information is available at:

Contact: Victoria Edenhofer, CIT Renergy AB
Phone: +46 (0)704-40 64 68

Application form is available here:

Latest application date 5 September 2025.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made in writing and arrive at least one month before start of the
course, so that the course feewill be refunded. Registration fee will not be refunded.

If canceled later, at least 14 working days before the start of the course, half of the course fee will be refunded.
Registration fee will not be refunded.

If canceled later than 14 working days before the start of the course, no refund will be made.
Changes in applied certification level must be made in writing and are allowed no later than 14 working days before the start of the course. Otherwise no refund will be made.


Date: 2025-10-07 - 2025-10-09
Location: Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Sven Hultins gata 6, Gothenburg


Victoria Edenhofer
Phone: 070-440 64 68
